Term Beginning Ceremony
With the beginning of another year, everything takes on a completely new look. All the teachers and students of the Primary School Division have ushered in a new semester. On the morning of 26th February, all the teachers and students of the Primary School Division gathered in the playground to attend a grand opening ceremony for the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year.
First and foremost, the ceremony raised the curtain with the solemn national anthem. Afterwards, the students of Class 403 recited 'Dragons Take Off with Lofty Aspirations'. In addition, Wang Tianyue, previously a graduate of the Primary School Division and now a student of Class 702 from the Junior High School Division, gave a speech in which she shared her learning experience with everyone, encouraging them to meet the challenges of the new semester with high fighting spirit and abundant energy, after which the school-level 'Civilized Classes' award ceremony was held. To put it in a nutshell, Principal Assistant Liu Qiongdan delivered a keynote speech for the new semester in which she affirmed the previous achievements of all the teachers and students. More remarkably, Principal Assistant Liu Qiongdan called on all teachers and students to base themselves on a new starting point with a good mental state and a positive attitude to meet new challenges and create new brilliance.